Customized Training
Our focus at ImpactECON is on providing customized training courses with ample hands-on experience developing real world CGE applications that address the types of issues of most interest to the client.
ImpactECON staff have instructed and contributed materials for the GTAP, Dynamic GTAP and GLOBE Short Courses since 1999, assuring our clients that our instruction meets the accepted standards for instruction in CGE modeling. We have also provided customized courses in CGE modeling for governments and companies that do not have the flexibility to send staff to the GTAP short course, or who have unusual demands for course offerings. ImpactECON has developed materials suitable for both intensive on-site courses and web-based training that can be customized to meet your specifications.
All of our courses mix theory with interesting and challenging hands-on applications through laboratory work and small group projects. We take participants through the entire process of developing a good CGE analysis, including: understanding the question and the issues; understanding and examining the data; creating an aggregation; creating realistic policy scenarios; analyzing the results; and testing the assumptions. At ImpactECON we believe that application of knowledge and skills are the best means of learning CGE analysis.

Anna Strutt (U. Waikato), Pooja Pokeral (Nathan Associates), and Pete Minor (ImpactECON) conducting GTAP training in Indonesia
Recent Trainings
Ministry of Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Cyprus
Indonesian Ministry of Industry and Trade (USAID-SEADI)
Nathan Associates Inc., Washington DC
Various Ministries, Mongolia (On behalf of Rio Tinto Plc.)