

ImpactECON is committed to serving the public and private sectors. In this section we provide access to some of the resources that have been developed at ImpactECON. We ask that you reference these materials appropriately when you use them.picture001

ImpactECON maintains a working papers series. The ImpactECON working paper series focuses on adapting, testing and transitioning academic work for practical, real world, use. The end goal is to improve CGE modeling with emphasis on policy and investment analysis through improvements to data and modeling constructs.

ImpactECON also maintain a separate website,, to house open-source efforts to advance global CGE modeling. MyGTAP is an effort by ImpactECON to bring new flexibility to global CGE modeling by providing user-friendly tools and model code to extend the standard GTAP model to include multiple households, foreign aid, and remittances.

ImpactECON also maintains a database, free of charge, of the “Value of Time in Trade” widely used in the international trade community to estimate the value of reducing customs and shipping delays.

See the links at left to learn more.