Labor Data
This is a data file containing the quantities of labor by occupation, sector and region based on the wage and quantity data used to construct the labor shares in the GTAP 11b Data Base.
Why would you want to use the Labor quantities?
Emerging economic questions increasingly focus on the impacts of policies on employment and movement of labor between sectors. This data allows you to link percent changes in labor to the employment of people in each sector, or to take account of differences in wages (or productivity) of labor across occupations, sectors and regions.
The labor data is documented in:
The data also relies on work done by Alison Weingarden and Marinos Tsigas to implement the 5 new value shares in the GTAP Data Base. See:
Weingarden, A., and M. Tsigas, (2010): “Labor Statistics for the GTAP Database”, Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Penang, Malaysia .
License types:
Single user license: These licenses are restricted to a single individual user and can be placed on up to two computers (desktop and laptop). This license covers the GTAP 11a Data Base. The individual user or their employer should be listed as the owner or licensee of the package. If the employer is listed, then the individual user should be listed as the designated representative of the licensee. Note: all sales are final after the product has been delivered. No refunds.
If you require the Global supply chain package or the Labor data, please contact us via email.
Site license: These licenses cover a single release version of the GTAP Data Base, as provided in the single user license. However, these licenses may be used by the employees of a department or division within an institution. Geographically dispersed departments or divisions must obtain separate licenses. The license must be signed by a representative who is employed in the department or division and has the right to sign documents on their behalf. The representative will be responsible for ensuring the license conditions are met. Note: all sales are final after the product has been delivered. No refunds.
If you require the Global supply chain package or the Labor data, please contact us via email.
* Prices include wire transfer fee